2010年7月14日 星期三

Pride of Taiwan - HSP

July 14th

This afternoon, we visited the center of Taiwan's high-tech industry, HSP. Although we people who live in Taiwan are all familiar with the great achievement of this science park, I still amazed by the fantastic work they had done as I arrived there.
At first, we were invited to a debriefing room, then the introducer gave us a brief introduction about the HSP's history and future prospect for about twelve minutes or so. Other than HSP, the government is gong to build up more than six new science parks around the island including Jhunan, Longtan, Yilan…etc. During the introduction, I was surprised about HSP's rapid growth and the excellent performance of the introducer. After then, we went around HSP through bus, the most impressive scenery was the vast construction of tsmc. Not until the time did I realize why tsmc could be the emperor of integrated circuit industry worldwide. At last, we visited the science museum, which exhibited not only the newest product of HSP's member but antiques of ancient Taiwan. We could easily found the ambition of our government here. They expect HSP plays not merely the role of hi-tech center, but a key position of literature and art.
On our way back to cycu, two most famous university, NCTU and THU appeard in front. Thinking of their great devotion to HSP, it urged me to dedicate all my efforts to maintain this glorious fulfillment in terms of competitiveness of my country.

