2010年7月24日 星期六


After Porfessor Lu's introduction about Taiwan's tourism industry in the morning, we visited FTVin the afternoon. What surprised me most was its lacation, it just situated next to TTV!!
We were first invited to meeting room and had a talk with Peter, who is the post production of FORMOSA NEWS. During the discussion, he talked a lot about his own experiences in learning Mandarin, his life and working experience in Taiwan, his point of view about Taiwan's political environment and some useful suggetions for foreigners who are willing to stay here. After then, we visited film studio NO.2 in the 15th floor. It was so fantastic as I saw those sceneries and equipments appeared only in TV on our daily life. At the same time, we met Jinny Chang, one of anchor of FORMOSA NEWS. She was so professional and glorious that everyone can't ignore her existence. It was pity that the time limitation made us had to leave earlier than we would like to.
The most incredible situation happened as we passed through the front gate, we met
Trong Chai,CEO of FTV. He was such a funny guy that he regarded our classmate, Vicky, as an American!! However, we still took picture with for memory. After I said goodbye to all my business camp members, I got a short message from my sister. It said that my father was able to discharged from hospital, it was a wonderful day, wasn't it?

