2010年7月26日 星期一

Taiwan's Tourism Industry

This was the first time I participated in prof. Lu's class since the end of last semester. She introduced us the evaluaton of Taiwan's tourism industry. Undoubtedly, the reason for Taiwan to establish this industry was because of industry transformation policy. During the discuss, most classmate had a common consensus that the image of Taiwan is the variety of cuisine, which might be the competitive advantage of our tourism industry. After then, we enjoyed the video introducing Kenting National Park. I was amazed by the abundant sightseeings there though I had been there twice. The video reminded me where I can visit next time I go there.

2010年7月25日 星期日

Honor in Former Days-San Ho Paper & Carton Company

In the afternoon, we visited San Ho Paper & Carton Company, in my personal point of view, which was a epitome of Taiwan's small-and-medium-sized enterprises. We could easily find the specific characteristic we used to describe Taiwan's businessman there: passion, courage, diligence and honesty.

San Ho was established in 1967. At first, they concentrated on high-class corrugated paper box. As time goes by, in order to cope with customer's demand, they started to develop buffer as well. The manager gave us a short introduction about their history and management philosophy then took us to walk around their factory. The scale of plant was much larger than I had expected. The environment there was not so friendly for human-beings. It was so humid and flooded with the flavor of chemical agent. Due to the above reasons, I admired worker there so much. Something surprised me a lot was that they possess their own research and develop department. It broke my original image of traditional industry.
In terms of cross-strait management issue, San Ho extended branches at Shanghai, Xiamen, Suzhou and Dongguan since 1996 in order to maintain their comparative advantage. However, when I asked the manager "Does the signature of ECFA bring up a positive impulse to your company?" , "In the short run, it really helps, but in the long run, the results are still in vague." According to his answer, I think there are still lots of challenges they have to overcome.

Unlimited Sport Activities

In order to kill the time before the open ceremony, we invited our MTSU friends to play bowling. The way they threw their ball was so wild!! However, this made them unable to get high scores. At the same time, I got a poor score as well though I broke my own record, 72 points.
Next, we went to batting field toplay baseball. At first, everyone wanted to challenge the 140km zone; however, all of us gave up after challenge it once, it was too fast to touch. In order to rebuilt our confidence, we went upstairs to play basketbal machine and billiards. After two hours fierce fighting, all of us were exhausted. We dispersed from each other after the generous dinner at Chang Chang Jiu Jiu fried food store.

Trip to Tamsui~

After ending up the workshop with my instructor, prof. Lin, I rushed to Taipei as soon as possible. Fortunately, I bumped into our members at Taipei main station when they were about to get in the MRT station. As we got there, we went shopping at the Old Street. Not until then did I realize how strong my female classmates' purchasing power is, it was so crazy!!

The scenery of Fisherman’s Wharf was so poetic combined with sunset. After a short break on the harbor, we took ferry back to Tamsui. The huge sound of engine and fierce swing reminded me of my military service life in navy, that was really an unforgettable experience.

Global Economic Developement and Some Critical Issues

The address was presented by Yea-Mow Chen, professor of Finance from San Fransisco State University. Though most members in the camp regarded the issue too serious, I felt it very interesting at the same time. Compared with Dr. Jih's lesson which was about management, I'm more familiar with this issue since my major in college was economic.

During the lecture, prof. Chen gave us a brief outlook of the world economy, then explained the reason for credit crunch in 2008 and for European debt crisis recently. After then, he pointed out seven thought-provoking questions then gave his personal answers respectively. Indeed, I gained a lot from this lecture, not just for the professional knowledge, but for the way how foreign scholar thought about these financial issues.

2010年7月24日 星期六

When MTSU meets TM - The Second Round

Just like what it was two weeks ago, Bonnie invited our friends from MTSU to Toast Master Evening. This time, I was asked to join the Table Topic Session as well. It was so humiliated that I called the "Taiwan Railway Company" as " Taiwan Train Company".

There were two memorable things at the meeting. The first one was the the irony joke told by Nick about learning another language. The joke was as follows: "Q: How do we call a person that can speak three languages? A: Trilingual. Q: And how about the one who can speak two languages? A: Bilingual. Q: And how about the one with only one language? A: AMERICAN!!" The second one was that the meeting yesterday was said to be the most punctual one ever!

MTSU in TM Chung-Li club

Tonight, Bonnie invited our friend from MTSU to attend the meeting of Toast Master Chung-Li branch. The purpose of this club is to develope oral communication and leadership skills. Because of their attendence, the atmosphere was so energetic, especally in the table topic session. Ari, Ankit, Ivan, Pauli and Becky were all asked to play a short role-playing game about a virtual press conference. That was so interesting because of their unpredictable answers. All in all, the meeting was so successful due to their participation. Thanks them a lot.